
  • True Biz book cover: tan background with the title in muted rainbow of colors and a multicolor hand in a "d" handshape. A yellow and white Reese's book club sticker sits above the author's name on the bottom right

    True Biz

    A 2022 Reese’s Book Club pick and instant NYT best seller, this transporting novel follows a year of seismic romantic, political, and familial shifts for a teacher and her students at a boarding school for the deaf.

  • Girl at War blue book cover with branches spread throughout the front over the book title encompassed in a red circle

    Girl At War

    For readers of The Tiger’s Wife and All the Light We Cannot See comes a powerful debut novel about a girl’s coming of age—and how her sense of family, friendship and belonging is profoundly shaped by war.

  • America Is Immigrants yellow book cover with a blue silhouette Statue of Liberty

    America is Immigrants

    A gorgeously illustrated collection featuring inspiring immigrants from every country in the world, celebrating the incredible range of what it means to be an American.


What’s New…

Short Fiction

-”Trauma Bonds,” Bull Magazine, 2024
-”A Deal with the Devil,” The Baffler, 2022
-"Three Fictions," Okay Donkey, 2021
- "Empyrean," Territory Lit, 2018
-"After the Attack," BOMB Magazine, 2017
-”Things Unspoken” Massachusetts Review, 2015
-"Of What Remains," TriQuarterly, ​2015​
-"Conversion," ​Guernica, ​February 2014
- "Notes on a War-Torn Childhood," ​Electric Literature, ​2014


-”Lockdown at the School for the Deaf,” Virginia Quarterly Review, 2025


-”Signed Away,” Baffler Magazine, November 2024
-”Martha’s Vineyard Was Once A Haven for the Deaf. I Took a Trip to See if It Still Is,” Afar Magazine, August 2024
-”How to Lose Your Hearing,” Oprah Daily, January 2023
-”Silence Brought me a Community and an Escape,” New York Times Magazine, July 2022
-”The Vehicle for my Feelings: How Sign Language Helped a Deaf Author Find her Voice,” The Guardian, May 2022
-”The Oscar Winner is a Flawed Triumph for the Deaf Community,” Slate, March 2022
-”There’s More to the ASL Performances in CODA than Nonsigners Realize,” Slate, February 2022
-”Don’t Fear a Deafer Future,” New York Times, October 2021
-"Marlee Matlin Knows How to Make Change," Bustle, August 2021
-"I was fortunate to get my vaccine, but the hurdles are too great for many Deaf people," CNN, April 2021
-“5 Captions on Captions,” Activating Captions exhibition, Argos Arts, April 2021
-'Sound of Metal' is a Heartwarming--and Frustrating--Take on Deafness," Mic, January 2021
-"Why 'Dinner Table Syndrome' is Getting Worse for Deaf People," BBC, October 2020
-"Masks are a Barrier Against the Coronavirus, But Also for Deaf People," Washington Post, July 2020
-"Pandemic Journal," New York Review of Books, April 2020
-"Residency Supports Deaf Writers," Poets & Writers, April 2020
-"That Feeling When Humiliation From Years Ago Hits You All Over Again," New York Magazine, February 2020
​-"The Frustrating Fight for Closed Captions On In-Flight Entertainment," Conde Nast Traveler, January 2020
-"Deafness Isn't a Threat to Health. Ableism Is," Healthline, July 2019
-"A Clearer Message on Cochlear Implants," The New York Times, November 2018
-"ASL and Deaf Privilege," CUNY Center for the Humanities, October 2018
-"Texas' Twisted Excuse for Removing Helen Keller," CNN, September 2018
-"All Words Fly," Guernica Magazine, August 2018
-"Deaf Prisoners are Trapped in Frightening Isolation," CNN, June 2018
-"The Superpowers of Akil Kumarasamy," Work in Progress, May 2018
-"When it Comes to Depicting Disability, Hollywood Keeps 'Cripping Up'," CNN, March 2018
-"The G.O.P.'s HR620 Will Gut the Americans With Disabilities Act," NBC, February 2018
-"A Brief History of Time," Harper's, November 2017
-"America's Enduring Pastime: Baseball, Misogyny, and Reading The Natural," LitHub, October 2017
-"The Hearing World Must Stop Forcing Deaf Culture to Assimilate," NBC, October 2017
-"A History of Silence: Review of Belladonna," Music & Literature, September 2017
-"Interview with AGT's Mandy Harvey," Elle, August 2017
-"The Right to Remain Silent: Ableism, the English to Prison Pipeline, and the Plight of d/Deaf Inmates," The New Inquiry, March 2017
-Interview with Lidija Dimkovska, The White Review, March 2017
-"Front Row Virgins: I'm 'Afashionable So This is Going to Be Just Great," Elle, February 2017
-"When Good Christian Girls Need Planned Parenthood," New York Magazine, February 2017
-"Rhyme and Reason: Sign Language's Anti-Authoritarian Streak," Blunderbuss Magazine, January 2017
- 25 Best Books by Women in 2017," Elle, January 2017
-"Why the Deaf Community Fears President Trump," Vice, November 2016
- "What Does an Artist Look Like?" James Franco Review, November 2016
-"Who Can Speak for the Deaf Community?" LitHub, October 2016
- "An Escape from the Past Proves a Balm for Wounds," New York Times, August 2016
- "Can You Hear Me Now?" O Magazine, April 2016
- "At Home in Deaf Culture: Storytelling in an 'Unwritable' Language," Lit Hub, April 2016
- "More Than Applause: Deaf Art Needs Deaf Ed," HowlRound, April 2016
- "Sign of the Times: Sign Language for Everyone but the Deaf," Guernica, ​March 2016
- "Topography of a Novel," The Guardian, March 2016
- "Abandoned in Ohio," Blunderbuss Magazine, January 2016
​- "Spring Awakening is the Best Musical You've Never Heard," Vice, October 2015
​- "How to be a DJ When You're Deaf: Interview with Robbie Wilde," Vice, August 2015
- "'This is Not a Deaf Movie': Interview with The Tribe's Yana Novikova," Vice, June 2015
- "A Good Deaf Man is Hard to Find," The Believer, ​Fall 2015
​- "Writer's Recommend," Poets & Writers, ​June 2015
​- "​What it's Like to be a Deaf Novelist," The Guardian, May 2015
​- "Memories of Pan-Yugo Angst," Music + Literature, ​May 2015
- "Book Notes: Girl at War" Largehearted Boy, May 2015
-​ "Remission," Catapult, November 2015
​- "Ableism Hurts," Blunderbuss Magazine, May 2014
​- "Let's Stop Mansplaining Eastern Europe," Blunderbuss Magazine, March 2014
​​- "Writing Lessons," Ploughshares, September 2013


The Believer: America's Favorite Pastime Series
- “On Unconditional Love, or Why I am a Mets fan,” July 2019
- Daniel Murphy's Butt Muscle, or the Politics of Disability," May 2019
- "There's No 'I' in March Madness," March 2019
- "Underdog Cities," January 2019

- "In Defense of the Bandwagon Fan," espnW, February 2018

Baseball Prospectus, Short Relief
- "Lost Verses to 'Meet the Mets'," August 2018
- "Top 5 Baseball Superstitions, Conclusively Rated," August 2018
- "A Totally, One Hundred Percent, Really Really Fictional Mets Fan Fantasy," July 2018
- "Weird Baseball," July 2018
- "Barbarity and Baseball" June 2018
- "The Inspirational Speech the Mets Desperately Need...from Netflix" June 2018
- "Things Nolan Gorman Doesn't Remember" June 2018
- "Ode to a Diehard" June 2018
- "William Hoy and What We've Lost" May 2018

Baseball Prospectus, BP Mets
- "The Return of Jeurys Familia" April 2017
- "Here Comes the Bandwagon" March 2017
- "Can America's Past-time Change America's Future?" March 2017
- "New York's Best Real-life Fantasy Options," February 2017
- "Non-Roster Invitee Rundown," January 2017
- "Just Another Lady Thinkpiece," December 2016
- "I Don't Know's on Third," November 2016
- "Curtis Granderson and the Clemente Mets," November 2016
- "Mets Movie Moments," October 2016
- "Murphy's Law (and Other Great Baseball Superstitions)," October 2016
- "Mets Update: Everyone Had Surgery!" October 2016
- "It's Time for Your Rally Underpants (Mets Wild Card)," October 2016
- "A Brief History of Awesome Beatings Doled Out by the Mets," September 2016
- "The Other Multi-Sport Met," September 2016
- "Maybe TV Can Help Us Make Sense of the Collins/Comforto Schism?" September 2016
- "Last Train to Shea: Clarence Coleman and 1962's Best Losers," August 2016
- "Our Fans are Cooler Than Your Fans," August 2016
- "No No-Hitters, or How the Mets are Statistical Unicorns," August 2016
- "Baseball Magic, or Why Designated Hitters are Silly," July 2016
- "What is Baseball for? Jose Reyes, MLB and America's Pastime," July 2016
- "Meet the Mets: Draft Picks 31-40," July 2016
- "Meet the Mets: Draft Picks 21-30," June 2016
- "Meet the Mets: Draft Picks 11-20," June 2016
- "Meet the Mets: First 10 Draft Picks of 2016," June 2016
- "My Grandma Likes Ty Kelly and You Should, Too," June 2016
- "A Little Dose of Optimism for the Future of Mets' Catching," May 2016
- "The Phillie Phanatic is my Nemesis (and Other PA-Based Mets Villains)," May 2016
- "Party Like it's 1999: Will the Mets' Infielders be this Year's MVPs?" May 2016
- "What Could be Grander?: A Curtis Granderson Reverie," April 2016
- "Major League Dads: On deBaby, Paternity Leave and Bringing the Kids to Work," April 2016
- "An Ode to Steady Eddie," April 2016
- "Mrs. Met Can't Get Us Out of This One": Rule Changes, Discrimination and the Future of Baseball Fandom," March 2016

SB Nation, Amazin' Avenue
- "Harper Lee was a Mets Fan," February 2016
- "Generation Mets: A Family of Underdogs," October 2015

- Others: Writers on the Power of Words to Help us See Beyond Ourselves, Unbound Press, July 2019
(Proceeds of this book go to Refugee Action and Stop Hate UK)
- Empty the Pews: Stories of Leaving the Church, Epiphany Publishing, December 2019

ID: Sara is sitting with their arms crossed wearing a blue button up with fly fishing lures on it. They have green glasses and short cropped hair. They have a black and white tattoo on their forearm. A True Biz poster is visible in the background.

About Sara

Sara is the author of the instant NYT Bestseller True Biz, as well as the books Girl at War and America is Immigrants.

She holds an MFA in fiction and literary translation from Columbia University, and is an instructor of Deaf studies and creative writing. She lives in Philadelphia with her family.

You can find her on Twitter + Instagram, or contact her or her agent here.


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I try to respond to personal messages, but the most reliable way to reach me is via the people below:

Virtual book club Q&As: more information here, or contact novicpublicity[at]gmail[dot]com

General inquiries, speaking engagements, events, or literary rights: The Wylie Agency, Jin Auh, jauh[at]wylieagency[dot]com and

​Film and television : Kristina Moore, at kristina.moore[at]unitedtalent[dot]com